In this episode we talk to Park Service Specialist Carla Kappmeyer-Sherwin from Highlands Hammock St... |
In this special episode, Pastor Tim Gonzalez talks about the Christmas season and Jesus the light of... |
In this Episode we are talking about the Highlands County Libraries. |
In this episode, Kirk Fasshauer give us an in depth look at the Baker Act, also known as the Florida... |
We're back from a short break. This episode, we're talking about jobs we'd like to do, but that we d... |
In this episode, Andrew Bennett, the Deputy Director for the Sebring Airport Authority, discusses ne... |
In this episode, Ashley Tinker of Heal by Touch talks about holistic healing through massage, float ... |
We took a short break for the summer, but we're back. To celebrate episode 150, we're going back to... |
Today we are talking about water safety with Corey Amundsen the Emergency Manager for Highlands Coun... |
In this episode, we talk with Sheriff Blackman about community safety and crime prevention. |
This episode, we're talking abut heat safety with Corey Amundsen the Emergency Manager for Highlands... |
This episode we are talking about the Florida Scrub Jay, with Sahas Barve the John W Fitzpatrick Dir... |
This episode, we're talking abut hurricane preparedness and safety with Corey Amundsen the Emergency... |
This episode we are talking with Josh Daskin of Archbold about conservation in Florida and the Flori... |
This episode we are talking about mental health with Kirk Fasshauer of Peace River Center. |
This episode, we're talking about the food we eat. |
Struggling to make ends meet and unable to afford healthcare? Samaritian's Touch Care may be able to... |
Today we're talking with Jim Pollard from the Sebring Historical Society, about historic buildings i... |
Some musicians and actors have have interesting careers in music, even under different names. |
In this episode we are talking to Chris and Robert about the Sebring Small Business Organization. |
This episode, we have special guest Robin Sherwood, and we're talking about parties and modern day t... |
This episode, we are talking with Pastor George Miller of Emmanuel United Church of Christ about som... |
This episode, we're talking about the time change and how time changes. |
This episode, we're talking about Facebook going down for a few minutes. And some extra rambling. |
This episode we're talking about dreams and dreaming and what they are all about. |
This episode, we're having a lighthearted conversation about inflation and saving money. As always,... |
This episode, we're talking about the apparently still popular "White Van Scam" |
This episode, it's a new year, new us, new rambling. |
This week, we're actually talking about the current holiday: Christmas. |
This episode, we're getting ahead of the trends and talking about Valentines Day. |
This episode, we're talking about the struggles of running and shopping at small businesses. |
In this episode, Shirley Reyes of The Drip Bar is in to talk about what an IV drip session is and ho... |
This week we're talking about fan clubs and how awesome ours is... |
This week we're learning about prosthetics and orthotics with Mark Selleck of South Beach Prosthetic... |
Tis' the season to be spooky. |
This week, we're doing one big TV Book Club. There's a new season of Frasier and we could not resis... |
This episode, we're talking all about the true facts we found on the internet. |
En este episodio, la enfermera especializada en salud mental psiquiátrica, Evelyn Cruz, nos ofrece u... |
In this episode psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner Evelyn Cruz gives us an in depth look a... |
In this episode Attorney Mercy Hermida-Perez gives us in depth information about the eviction proces... |
This episode, we're going back to our very first episode's topic of fall. |
This episode we're just doing a quick episode and have an announcement. |
This episode, we're talking about people who look just like us. |
This special episode features a previous podcast about hearing loss and prevention in memory of gues... |
This episode we're talking about my bad day. 'Cause, I had a bad day. I'm taking one down. I sang a ... |
This week we're talking about the heat, and about being our authentic self. |
In this episode, Dr. Melissa Kindell of Everglade's Pediatric Dentistry explains the importance of e... |
This episode we are talking with Liz Prendergast, the CEO of The Champion for Children Foundation. |
This week, we're talking about people understanding or not understanding the message when they watch... |
This episode we have Deacon Rose Sapp-Bax in to talk about a new local community garden in the makin... |
This episode we're talking about introverts and extroverts and what the big difference is. |
This episode we are talking to Susan Ripley and Briana Edwards from Heartland for Children about fos... |
This week, we're talking about the current strikes going on in Hollywood. |
This week, we're talking about how we are mystified by the act of dancing. Or something like that..... |
This episode, we're talking to CJ Williams a Central Florida area Firefighter. |
This week, we're talking about what "triggered" and "snowflake" have become. |
This week we're talking about the sport that is sweeping the nation, and Lori has some strong though... |
This week, we're talking about our thoughts on True Crime. Are true crime podcasts full of grime or... |
This episode we are talking with Jason Beatty, PGA Head Golf Pro at Sun N' Lakes Golf Club |
This episode about past, future, and present technology we are mostly talking about laserdisc. |
This week, we are revisiting UFOs and talking about what they are and where they come from. |
This week, we're talking about working from home versus working remote, and as usual we solve the wo... |
This episode, we are talking with Steve Slaybaugh of Strangely Warmed Coffee Co. about Coffee Roasti... |
This week's episode, we are keeping it minimal with the discussion, but don't worry because this one... |
This episode, we're talking about Social Media and adults who use it. |
This week, we're talking about the difference in life expectancy between men and women, both married... |
This episode might seem like you've heard it before, but you never have. Almost like Deja Vu. |
In this episode we are talking about the future of AI, robots, and androids. |
This year's Easter Message is from Dustin Woods, the Lead Pastor of Grace Bible Church. |
This week, we are talking about Alpha Males, with guest host Daniel in the studio. |
In this episode, we determine Lori is good and Jonathan is Evil or something like that. |
In this episode, we talk with Tiffany Cadzow and Bob Cadzow about the importance of voting in local ... |
In this episode, we talk about how we feel about the term "Karen". |
In this Episode we are answering your mailbag questions. |
We meant to talk about holidays but mainly we debated if we would have been friends in our 20s. |
We don't remember. |
This episode, we're talking about shame, shaming, and being shamed. |
This week we have guest host Dalton the non psychic - psychic expert to tell us nothing we don't alr... |
This episode, we're talking about the icon slap. |
This episode, we're talking about old timey phrases and out of date sayings. |
This episode is all about us, or at least a little about some introspection. |
This week's episode we're talking about the differences between the East and West coast in the US |
This week's episode is all about Paul Rudd and how great he is. |
We're back from a quarantine/sick day hiatus. This episode, we're talking about weird stuff. |
This episode we're talking about whatever we want, because it's our 100th episode. We had some techn... |
This episode, we're talking about MURDER mystery. |
This episode we're talking about TV reboots and revivals. |
This episode, we're talking about things we should know in life. Some we do, some we don't. Listen... |
This episode, we're talking about the ways we want to stop talking. Plus some other bad habits we w... |
This episode, we're talking about SciFi and why Lori doesn't like it. |
What can we say, that we haven't already forgotten. This week's episode is all about us being forge... |
This episode, we're talking about Christmas, elves, and gingerbread. |
This episode we are talking about the way we talk, or rather, the way they talk in TV and Movies. Al... |
This episode we are talking about the differences between British and US comedy. |
This episode we have special guests Robin Sherwood and James Leonhardt in to talk about what makes u... |
This episode we are talking about old school adventure games, like King's Quest and Mystery House. ... |
This episode, we're talking about the little things that aren't so great. |
This episode, we are talking about instagram and video filters. |
We're back after a little break. This episode we're answering a whole collection of mailbag questio... |
This episode, we're talking about more conspiracies going around. |
This episode we're talking about lists and questionnaires to keep ourselves sane. |
We're still here, just don't mind that this episode might not sound the best. |
This week, we're talking about our recent dress rehearsal for out improv show |
This week, we're talking about famous gaffs and goofs from recent history. |
This week, we're talking about how technology and people have changed over the past 100 years. |
In this episode iMad shares some of their common student questions and how they answer those. |
This week, were talking about the ratings system with a focus on the MPAA |
This week, we have Gary and Angie from Lotila Gold in the studio to tell us a little about the band,... |
This week, we're talking about things from the recent past that aren't around anymore more. Some we... |
This week we're talking about some current events including a particularly dirty crime. |
This week we are talking about (and giving our fun takes on) different conspiracies, like the flat e... |
This week, we're talking about weekly broadcasts and binge watching. |
We're back for the first podcast of the NewYear, and this episode we are talking about Storytelling ... |
This week, we're talking about Christmas and the Holidays. |
This week, we're talking all about the minimalism movement. |
This week, we're talking all about TV. |
This week, we're talking about idioms, colloquialisms and euphemisms. Or something like that. |
This week, we're talking about coming of age teen movies like Clueless and American Pie. |
This week we're talking about misheard and misspoken works and phrases. |
This week, we're talking about the future and dystopia, with special guests Robin and Drake |
This week, we're wrapping up spooktober with talk about Halloween |
This week we're talking about logic, just like Spock. |
This week we have a special guest in the Studio, Jason Biance, and are talking about ghost stories. |
This week, we're talking to John Scaglione about hearing loss and hearing aids. |
This month is a collection of spoooky topics. To start it off, this week we're talking about serial... |
This week, we're talking all about change. |
This week, we're talking about dieting, mansplaining, and vending machines. |
This week we're talking about the Dark Crystal, puppets, and illusionists. |
This week, Lori is out due to sickness, but another Jonathan is in to talk about weird food. |
This week, we're talking about Ethical Dilemmas like the Trolley Problem. |
This week is all about how memory works. |
This episode is our first week up on streaming podcast software. We're also talking about flying ca... |
This week we're talking about 80's TV fashion, school, planets, and slow motion. |
This week we're talking about some of the more recent headlines in the news. |
This week, we're talking about Jonathan's recent trip back to his past life. |
This week, we have Shirley DiSimone in to talk about hypno therapy and past life regression. |
This totally excellent week, we're talking about how radical the 80's really were. |
New laws came in to effect on July 4th and we're going to go over a few. Also, there's flesh eating... |
This week, we're doing one big mailbag show. |
This week, we're talking about how to survive the apocalypse. With special guest Robin Sherwood. |
This week we're talking about psychics, tarot, and predicting the future |
This week we're talking about aliens and UFOs building the pyramids. |
This week we talk about the history of 3D Movies, 3D photos and the 3D on Sebring.com |
This week is all about STRESS. |
This week is all about Travel! |
David Schmidt from Highlands Hammock CCc Museum joins us. |
This week, we're talking about things people hold on to, even when they grow up. |
This week. we're talking about the things floating around in the Florida air. Pollen and Love Bugs ... |
This week we're talking about eating out, fancy restaurants, and food poisoning. |
This week, we're talking about cursive, sick co-workers, and apples and oranges. |
This week, we're talking about performing in front of people, movies, and the 1940's |
This week, Carla from the Florida Park Services is back in the studio to tell us about Earth Day and... |
Today, Lori's friend Kristen is in to tell us about Rex Manning Day and catfishing. |
This week We're talking all about failure in life. Don't worry, it's not sad. |
This week we have Mike Waldron, the public announcer for the Sebring Raceway in to talk about the hi... |
This week's Better Before Lunch, we're talking 'bout coffee and James from Top Hat Coffee is back, t... |
This week we're talking coffee with James from Top Hat Coffee |
This week we're talking about childhood memories. Hanna Barbara cartoons, Are You Afraid of the Dar... |
This week's round-up, we've got Carla Sherwin in the studio to tell us about the Firefly Nights even... |
This week we're talking about some cultural differences with hand gestures, and #trashtag |
This week's Round-Up we're talking about where you can go for spring break. |
This week we're talking about kindness, specifically "paying it forward." |
This week we're talking about the Oscars, board games, and doing our first Chip Challenge for a chan... |
This week, we're talking about games, and some other random topics. |
This week we're talking to D.J. Stokes. a camera operator and live tour roadie. |
This week is all about Valentine's Day, sort of. |
This week we're talking about Coke and Pepsi, improv, and doughnuts. |
Today we talk with Voice Actor Stephen J Pena. |
This week, we're talking about Sweethearts, the Addams Family, and phobias. |
This week we're talking about how millennials are killing every industry that exists ever. |
in this week's episode, We're talking about social media. We're also starting a new weekly segment ... |
This week we're talking about what you can do and how to use Sebring.com |
This week we're talking about the Golden Globes, and some local news. |
Brand new episode, brand new year. Happy 2019! |
This week, we're talking with Shirley Di Simone, a local Hypnotherapist and Life Coach |
This week we talk to Pastor Rob and Karen of Faith Food Bank |
This week's all about Christmas! |
This weeks episode, we reveal our new name, talk about DNA testing, and talk Mrs. Claus. |
This week we're doing trivia for the first time! Also, expect to hear about tall cows, Spongebob, a... |
An introduction to our new Friday show, The Sebring Weekend Update. Listen to find out what's happe... |
This week we talk about freedom of speech and Chick-Fil-A. |
This week we talk about Thanksgiving and Black Friday, with a little Hercules, Backstreet Boys, and ... |
This week's episode we're talking a little bit about the future lineup and format changes for the sh... |
This week we talk about daylight savings time and mythical creatures before an interview with John ... |
This week we interview Gail Werley, Assistant Director of Program for One Hope United. |
In this Halloween episode, we talk all about Halloween, trick or treating, upcoming events, and answ... |
This week we are answering some random listener questions from out eMailbag and have an interview wi... |
A special episode, presenting a bi-partisan review of the Amendments on Florida's 2018 Mid-term elec... |
This week we talk about Columbus Day, discuss fire prevention, and interview Kirsten and Sydney from... |
This weeks show, we talk about greetings and gopher tortoises. Afterwards, we have interviews with ... |
Fall has fallen on Florida, and Sebring.com presents its very first Podcast. |
Introduction to the all new Sebring.com Podcast |