This episode, it's a new year, new us, new rambling. |
This week, we're actually talking about the current holiday: Christmas. |
This episode, we're getting ahead of the trends and talking about Valentines Day. |
This episode, we're talking about the struggles of running and shopping at small businesses. |
In this episode, Shirley Reyes of The Drip Bar is in to talk about what an IV drip session is and ho... |
This week we're talking about fan clubs and how awesome ours is... |
This week we're learning about prosthetics and orthotics with Mark Selleck of South Beach Prosthetic... |
Tis' the season to be spooky. |
This week, we're doing one big TV Book Club. There's a new season of Frasier and we could not resis... |
This episode, we're talking all about the true facts we found on the internet. |
En este episodio, la enfermera especializada en salud mental psiquiátrica, Evelyn Cruz, nos ofrece u... |
In this episode psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner Evelyn Cruz gives us an in depth look a... |
In this episode Attorney Mercy Hermida-Perez gives us in depth information about the eviction proces... |
This episode, we're going back to our very first episode's topic of fall. |
This episode we're just doing a quick episode and have an announcement. |
This episode, we're talking about people who look just like us. |
This special episode features a previous podcast about hearing loss and prevention in memory of gues... |
This episode we're talking about my bad day. 'Cause, I had a bad day. I'm taking one down. I sang a ... |
This week we're talking about the heat, and about being our authentic self. |
In this episode, Dr. Melissa Kindell of Everglade's Pediatric Dentistry explains the importance of e... |
This episode we are talking with Liz Prendergast, the CEO of The Champion for Children Foundation. |
This week, we're talking about people understanding or not understanding the message when they watch... |
This episode we have Deacon Rose Sapp-Bax in to talk about a new local community garden in the makin... |
This episode we're talking about introverts and extroverts and what the big difference is. |
This episode we are talking to Susan Ripley and Briana Edwards from Heartland for Children about fos... |
This week, we're talking about the current strikes going on in Hollywood. |
This week, we're talking about how we are mystified by the act of dancing. Or something like that..... |