
Hardee County Sheriff

Crime/Public Safety Posted by: Reposted by Central Florida Cities on Oct 13, 2021 12:47PM

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
What is Domestic Violence? It's a pattern of controlling behaviors - Violence or threats of violence - that one person uses to establish power over an intimate partner in order to control that partner's actions and activities. Domestic violence is not a disagreement, a marital spat, or an anger management problem. Domestic violence is abusive, disrespectful, and harmful behaviors that one intimate partner chooses to perpetrate against the other partner.
Domestic Violence Services:
Peace River Center's Domestic Violence Program provides free, confidential services for individuals affected by domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking crimes, their family members and friends in Polk, Hardee and Highlands Counties.
Crisis Lines:
24-Hour Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 863-386-1167 (Hardee/Highlands)
Victim Services Office Line: 863-413-2708
For questions or further information, the Hardee County Sheriff's Office Victim's Advocate Liaison can be reached at 863-773-0304 Ext. 259

SOURCE: Hardee County Sheriff

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